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国家中医药管理局 卫生部 国家

国家中医药管理局 卫生部 国家


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第一条 县(区)及县(区)以上各级工商行政管理局,均有权对管辖区域内的外商投资企业进行监督检查。
第二条 国家工商行政管理局和国家工商行政管理局授权直接核准登记外商投资企业的地方工商行政管理局(以下简称受权的工商行政管理局),均有权依照有关规定和处罚权限对违反登记管理法规的外商投资企业进行处罚。
第三条 国家工商行政管理局对下列违反登记管理法规的外商投资企业进行查处:
第四条 受权的工商行政管理局对违反登记管理法规的行为发生在本管辖区域内的外商投资企业进行查处。
第五条 受权的工商行政管理局对外商投资企业作出的处罚决定,应报送国家工商行政管理局和有关的工商行政管理局备案。
第六条 受权的工商行政管理局处理发生在本管辖区域内非本局核准登记的外商投资企业的违法行为时,应及时将查处情况及处理结果通知核准登记该企业的工商行政管理局。
第七条 没有处罚权的县(区)及县(区)以上的工商行政管理局在本管辖区域内发现外商投资企业违反登记管理法规的行为时,应当认真进行调查,提出处理建议,请示有处罚权的上级工商行政管理局。有处罚权的上级工商行政管理局应当在接到请示之日起一个月内予以批复,超出处罚权限的应逐级上报。
第八条 外商投资企业不得拒绝工商行政管理机关依法进行的监督管理和查处活动,并应当在收到处罚通知之日起十五日内执行处罚决定。对处罚决定不服的,应在收到处罚通知之日起十五日内向有处罚权的上一级工商行政管理局申请复议。上级工商行政管理局应当在收到复议申请之日起三十日内作出复议决定。复议期间,按原处理决定应收缴的罚没款可先予扣缴。
第九条 外商投资企业对地方工商行政管理局作出的复议决定或国家工商行政管理局作出的处罚决定或复议决定不服的,可以在收到复议决定或处罚决定之日起三十日内向人民法院起诉。逾期不提出申诉又不缴纳罚没款的,工商行政管理局可以按照规定程序通知其开户银行予以划拨。
第十条 工商行政管理局依法对外商投资企业违反登记管理法规的行为进行查处时,应当指定专人负责并建立档案,当事人提供的证据材料应由当事人签字或盖章。负责查处的工商行政管理人员应严格遵守各项法规和外事纪律。对外商投资企业进行调查或检查时应由二人以上进行,并出示《中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局专用工作证》。
第十一条 对港、澳、台企业或华侨、港、澳、台同胞投资举办的合资经营企业、合作经营企业、独资经营企业,外国(地区)企业从事承包工程、承包经营管理、合作开发国内资源等经营活动,外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构,外国(地区)银行分行以及外商投资企业设立的从事经
第十二条 本规定自发布之日起执行。


(Promulgated by the State Administration for Industry and Commerceon February 1, 1989)

Whole Doc.
With a view to strengthening supervision and control over the
Chinese-foreign joint ventures and Chinese-foreign contractual joint
ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as
foreign investment enterprises), protecting legal management and dealing
out punishment for violations of registration administrative decrees
according to the law, the jurisdiction and procedures for such punishment,
in accordance with "Rules of the People's Republic of China on
Administration of Registration on Enterprise Legal Persons" and the
"Detailed Regulation" for its implementation, are defined as follows:
Article 1
The administrations for industry and commerce at the county
(district) level or above all have the right to supervise and examine the
foreign investment enterprises in the areas that come under their
Article 2
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the local
administrations that are empowered by the former to directly check and
approve the registration of foreign investment enterprises (hereinafter
referred to as empowered local administrations) all have the right, in
accordance with relevant regulations and limits of authority, to deal out
punishment for violations of registration administrative decrees by the
foreign investment enterprises.
Administration for industry and commerce at higher level have the
right to rectify the improper decisions of punishment by administrations
for industry and commerce at lower level.
Article 3
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce examines and deals
accordingly with the following foreign investment enterprises that violate
the registration administrative decrees:
(1) The foreign investment enterprises that are directly registered
at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce;
(2) The foreign investment enterprises that the State Administration
for Industry and Commerce deems it necessary to exercise direct
examination and punishment.
Article 4
The empowered local administrations examine and deal accordingly with
the foreign investment enterprises that violate the registration
administrative decrees in the areas under their jurisdiction.
Provided that the empowered provincial, autonomous regional and
municipal administrations expropriate over RMB 200000 yuan of the illegal
gains by the foreign investment enterprises, or mete out a fine of over
RMB 20000 yuan, or withdraw the business license, they have to report to
the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for examination and
The limits of authority of the empowered city (prefectural)
administrations for industry and commerce over punishment of foreign
investment enterprises that violate the registration administrative
decrees are defined by their respective empowered provincial, autonomous
regional and municipal administration in the light of specific conditions
and in accordance with these Regulations and should be reported to the
State Administration for Industry and Commerce for approval.
Provided that the empowered city (prefectural) administration make
decisions of punishment beyond the limits of their authority, they have to
report to their respective provincial, autonomous regional and municipal
administrations or the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for
examination and approval.
Article 5
The empowered local administrations have to report their decisions of
punishment of foreign investment enterprises to the State Administration
for Industry and Commerce or relevant administrations for records.
Article 6
If empowered local administrations deal with violations of foreign
investment enterprises that are not approved and registered in the
locality under their jurisdiction, they have to inform in time the
concerned administrations of their decisions.
Article 7
If county (district) administrations or above that are not empowered
with the authority over such punishment detect violations of registration
administrative decrees by foreign investment enterprises, they should
carry out conscientious investigation, propose a decision of prosecution
and defer to administrations at higher level empowered with such
authority. The latter must reply within 1 month as of the date of receipt
of the report. If the decision of punishment go beyond their competence,
they should report to the next superior administration.
Article 8
The foreign investment enterprises must not reject the supervision,
examination and prosecution by administrations for industry and commerce
according to the law and should implement the decisions of punishment
within 15 days as of the date of receipt of the notice. If they do not
accept the decisions, they should appeal for re- examination to
administrations at higher level empowered with such authority within 15
days as of the date of the receipt of the notice. The latter should make
its decision of re-examination within 30 days as of the date of receipt of
the appeal. Pending the decision of re-examination, the fines and
confiscations should be executed as has been originally decided upon.
Article 9
If the foreign investment enterprises refuse to accept the decisions
of re-examination by local administrations or decisions of punishment or
decisions of re-examination by the State Administration for Industry and
Commerce, they may bring the suit to the People's Court within 30 days as
of the date of receipt of the decision of re-examination or decision of
punishment. If they do not appeal nor hand in the fine and the confiscated
amount of money, the administrations for industry and commerce can, in
accordance with stipulated procedures, inform the banks where they open an
account and ask them to transfer the amount.
Article 10
When the administrations for industry and commerce are examining and
dealing with the foreign investment enterprises that violate the
registration administrative decrees they should appoint special persons to
be in charge and establish relevant records. The evidence provided by the
litigants should be signed and sealed by the litigants. The persons from
the administrations for industry and commerce who are in charge should
strictly observe relevant decrees and the disciplines guiding the handling
of foreign affairs. Investigation or examination of foreign investment
enterprises should be conducted by 2 persons or more who have to show
their "Special ID Cards of the PRC Administration for Industry and
Article 11
The supervision, administration, jurisdiction over punishment and its
procedures concerning joint or contractual ventures and the wholly
foreign-owned enterprises established by the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
enterprises, or by overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
compatriots, the projects and businesses contracted by foreign (regional)
enterprises and their cooperative development of domestic natural
resources, their permanent office, branches of foreign (regional) banks
and business branches established by foreign investment enterprises are
executed in accordance with these Regulations.
Article 12
These Regulations shall go into effect on the day of their




太 原 市 人 民 政 府 令



市长 李荣怀



第一条 为加强城市雕塑管理,提高城市文化品位,促进城市雕塑建设健康发展,使其与城市整体环境相协调,根据《中华人民共和国城市规划法》、《山西省实施〈中华人民共和国城市规划法〉办法》等有关法律、法规规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
第二条 本市城市规划区内城市雕塑的规划、设置和管理适用本办法。
第三条 本办法所称城市雕塑是指:城市规划区范围内的道路、广场、车站、机场、文体和会展场馆、公共绿地、公园等公共场所、校园、居住区、企事业单位室外及公共建筑物、构筑物上的雕塑作品。
第四条 城市雕塑建设应当体现城市发展理念,突出地域文化特色,遵循统一规划、合理布局、有序发展的原则。
第五条 市城市规划行政主管部门是城市雕塑行政主管部门,负责市城市规划区范围内城市雕塑的规划、设置、竣工验收及相关管理工作。
第六条 城市雕塑行政主管部门应根据城市总体规划,会同有关部门编制城市雕塑设置专业规划,经专家论证、社会公示后报同级人民政府批准。在制定用地规划和建设工程选址时,应依据城市雕塑专业规划确定城市雕塑设置的用地范围。未经批准,任何单位和个人不得改变其规划用途。
第七条 凡在本市从事城市雕塑设计的人员,应当具备国家法律、法规规定的资质,并到城市雕塑行政主管部门备案。
第八条 大型或重点地段、影响较大的城市雕塑项目,由城市雕塑行政主管部门通过招标或其他公开竞争方式选定设计方案,经同级人民政府批准后,城市规划行政主管部门核发《建设工程规划许可证》。
第九条 第八条规定以外的居住区,企事业单位等大型建设项目内和校园内的城市雕塑,由建设单位组织实施,报规划部门备案。
第十条 第八条、第九条规定以外的城市雕塑项目,由城市规划行政主管部门审核同意后,核发《建设工程规划许可证》。
第十一条 第八条、第十条所列城市雕塑项目制作单位或制作人应按照项目设计方案和有关技术标准进行城市雕塑制作,保证制作质量,并接受城市雕塑行政主管部门和创作设计者的监督指导,制作过程中需对项目设计方案作变更的,建设单位或个人应当会同项目设计人员重新办理《建设工程规划许可证》。
第十二条 城市雕塑项目建成后,应当由城市雕塑行政主管部门按照批准的设计方案,组织专业技术人员对雕塑进行竣工验收,验收合格的,方可揭幕。
第十三条 城市雕塑建成后,应当加强日常维护、保养工作,使其保持完好和整洁。禁止任何单位和个人损毁城市雕塑,擅自在城市雕塑上悬挂、粘贴物品。
第十四条 未取得《建设工程规划许可证》或未按照《建设工程规划许可证》规定设置本办法第八条、第十条规定范围内的城市雕塑,由城市雕塑行政主管部门按照有关法律、法规予以处罚。
第十五条 城市雕塑管理人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或上级行政主管部门给予行政处分,情节严重构成犯罪的,依法追究其刑事责任。
第十六条 故意损毁城市雕塑构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究其刑事责任。
第十七条 本办法施行前设置的城市雕塑,管理单位应在本办法施行后六个月内到城市雕塑行政主管部门办理备案手续。
第十八条 本办法施行前设置的第八条、第十条规定范围内的城市雕塑,由城市雕塑行政主管部门会同有关部门组织专家论证,经同级人民政府批准后,对不能体现城市文明或与城市环境不统一、不协调,艺术水平低、粗制滥造的城市雕塑进行拆除。
第十九条 本办法由市政府法制办公室负责解释。
第二十条 本办法自公布之日起30日后施行。